Four questions to GUsto
GUsto (Garcia Usine Studio) is a polyvalent structure created in 2005 by Fanny Garcia and Jack Usine, graphic designer graduated from the “École des Beaux-Arts” of Bordeaux. In addition to ordinary work, the duo’s production is characterized by exhibitions and publications projects with “Sainte-Machine”, “Le Vilain” and “TT” collectives. The studio also works on the typographical creation and diffuses its typefaces via Smeltery.
What are the origins of Cnocession project?
Zirkumflex determines the starting point, suggesting us to think about the use of Initial Letter nowadays: are they dead? In cold blood and ironically, we have been to a cemetery in our town, looking for an answer…
What’s the reason of this name, Cnocession?
The name originates from a typographic misprint engraved on an headstone in Castillon-la-Bataille cemetery. This “misprint” symbolizes, for us, the “handmade” concept, the sign of a human being behind the tool, an unexpected detail which is part of a local heritage. That’s what motivates our work.
By which criteria have the letters been chosen?
The letters have been chosen in order to have a plasterboard which can eclectic and representative about the typographic matter of the place. We have favored the most unusual letters to establish harmony between the
differences of the set.
What are the aims of this project, if there are?
It’s alive!