Problemas del Momento en Nueve Estudios Breves

Second volume of Word+Moist Press written in 1896 by Albert Kimsey Owen – founder of a socialist colony in the town of Topolobampo, situated on the Pacific in western Mexico.


Edited by Juan Pablo Macías
Publisher, Word+Moist and el mojado ediciones
Original title, Problems of the Hour in Nine Brief Studies
Author, Albert Kimsey Owen
Translation, Michelle Aguilar Vera
Editorial Design, Valère Mougeot and Brice Delarue
Printed in October 2015 in Tipografia Debatte, Livorno, Italy.

18 × 12 cm
120 pages
1000 copies

Juan Pablo Macías has been bringing back from oblivion various writings and facts relating to anarchism. Problemas del Momento en Nueve Estudios Breves, his Spanish rendering of Albert Kimsey Owen’s Problems of the Hour in Nine Brief Studies, published in 1896. Late in the 19th century Owen founded a socialist colony in the town of Topolobampo, situated on the Pacific in western Mexico, not far from Los Mochis.

"Problemas del Momento en Nueve Estudios Breves", Word+Moist Press, 2015.

The Anarchist Doctrine Accessible to All

First volume of Word+Moist Press written in 1925 by José Oiticica – philologist, poet, anarchist.


Download in pdf

Edited by Juan Pablo Macías
Original title, A Doutrina Anarquista ao Alcance de Todos, 1925
Author, José Rodrigues Leite e Oiticica
Translation, Agência Transitiva (Rio de Janeiro) agenciatransitiva
Editorial Design, Zirkumflex (Berlin), Sara López and Brice Delarue
Printed in September 2014 in Tipografia Debatte, Livorno, Italy.

18 × 12 cm
173 pages
1000 copies

Word + Moist Press Volume I in Villa Romana

10 Oct – 07 Nov 2014
Villa Romana, Florence, Italy

In Villa Romana Juan Pablo Macías is making the formal presentation of his editorial project WORD+MOIST PRESS which launches its first volume The Anarchist Doctrine Accessible to All, written in 1925 by José Oiticica – philologist, poet, anarchist and grandfather of the Brazilian artist Helio Oiticica.